Stay strong, little man

Out of our three babies, he was the strongest and most active in utero. He could hold his head up on Day 1; support his entire upper body during Week 1. Everyone who holds him says “wow, he is so strong!” Even his pediatrician…and she’s held a lot of babies.

And you know what? I hope he is strong.

I hope he’s strong physically.

Strong enough to pursue his hobbies and interests.

Strong enough to serve others through his work.

Strong enough to protect who and what he loves.

Strong enough to live a long, healthy life.

I hope he’s strong mentally.

Strong enough to focus and achieve his goals.

Strong enough to avoid the deceit of comparisons.

Strong enough to solve problems, imagine, and create.

Strong enough to leave his comfort zone and experience something new.

I hope he’s strong emotionally.

Strong enough to show emotion in a world that says a man shouldn’t.

Strong enough to understand and support the emotions in others.

Strong enough to have confidence in himself, but even more to stay humble and kind.

Strong enough to love big and love hard.

But most of all, I hope he’s strong spiritually.

Strong enough to make his part of the world a better place.

Strong enough to stand for what’s right, even if he stands alone.

Strong enough to be bold and genuine in his faith.

Strong enough to know the real meaning and source of strength.

I hope he’s strong like his Daddy, but even more so like his Heavenly Father.

Stay strong, little man.

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