Stay Salty - Why Acts of Kindness Matter #kindness #simple #salt

Stay Salty – Why Acts of Kindness Matter

I’ve got salt on the brain. Generally, I try to avoid foods that are in salt-overload mode. Especially because after you have salt, you want something sweet, and then salty, and then sweet – it’s a vicious cycle! But salt can be a good thing…it’s a chemical that is essential to life! 

Salty in the Shaker

I’m in a group text with some friends that focuses on one chapter of the Bible each week. We’ll read the same chapter each day and then send comments/questions/takeaways back to the other members of the group. I love this for so many reasons, but one of them is that the repetition causes you to see “old” verses differently and/or learn something new each time. Knowing that my friends are having this same experience and are sharing their discoveries just sweetens the deal! Talk about encouragement!

Anyways, we are currently reading Matthew 5 – the beginning of the Sermon on the Mount.

“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men.”

 – Matthew 5: 13

I’ve always known that as a Christian, I need to be different from the world around me and to “flavor” those I come in contact with. But one of my friends made this comment:

Salt is of no benefit until it makes contact with a surface or substance…I need to not only be an example from afar, but actively be engaged in the lives of those who need to change. That’s where the difference is made.

That’s cool to think about. If I’m salty in the shaker, but never come in contact with any food, what good am I? If I throw some salt in the general direction of my plate, I may get lucky…but how much better to be sprinkled on purpose?!

Why Acts of Kindness Matter #kindness #matters #salt #staysalty #simple

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I See You

“I See You” is a segment on my favorite (the only one I listen to) radio show. In it, ordinary people are honored for doing something kind or thoughtful…being the salt of the earth. That’s what I want to do this week.

Making a difference in someone’s life does not have to be some grand gesture. It’s amazing how simple acts of kindness can make a big impact. These 3 things happened to me coincidentally all on the same day!

  1. I talk to strangers. I figure I’m a whole 72 inches of fun, so I generally don’t worry about my safety in a public place (whether that’s wise or not might be something different…). But it always catches me off guard when I am not the conversation starter (although a baby has changed that too). For some reason, I decided this would be a good week to paint our bedroom. Not just the walls of course, but the trim and ceiling too! I went to Lowes to get more paint (why are my walls so thirsty?!) and two older ladies start to shoot the breeze with me. They ooh and aah over my daughter, ask about my project, share tips on how to paint laminate furniture, and tell me about their condos. As we part ways, one of them says “Have a blessed day!” and waves us off. I have to say, after our lovely conversation, it was nice to know that other people have spiritual things on their minds.
  2. After my Lowes adventure, I decided to stop at Chick-Fil-A for a salad before heading home. It’s usually a pretty busy place at lunch, but today, everyone was dressed up as cows! I had totally forgotten that it was “Dress Like A Cow” day! As the young man took my order, he looked in my car and asked if I had anything to make me look like a cow. Besides a bunch of witty comments that came to mind and a screaming baby, I had nothing. He ran inside and brought out a cow headband and said “now you do. Let me promo that salad for you!” CFA has a reputation for having awesome employees, but this guy really lived up to it! Thanks Joshua!! Plus, the headband made for a super cute picture of Avery…see? Chick-Fil-A Dress Like A Cow Day
  3. The previous night, a friend at church mentioned being able to babysit any time we needed her. I told her about my painting project and she offered to come play with Avery while I worked. It was amazing! I was able to get so much of it knocked out and I knew that my baby was having a grand ‘ol time (I could hear her squealing with delight!). Plus, I got to spend some time catching up with a good friend!

Stay Salty

See? None of these things are crazy big or extraordinary. But I would be lying if I said that they didn’t brighten my day! Be different. Be kind. Say please and thank you. Hold doors. Listen when others speak. Tell people you’re praying for them. Others will notice that you are different.

I’m curious – what are some of your favorite ways to show kindness?

Why Acts of Kindness Matter #kindness #matters #salt #staysalty #simple

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