Happy 30th Birthday

Turning 30. Wait, What?!

Last week, I celebrated my 30th birthday. 30 seems like *such* a milestone, but like all other birthdays, it was just a normal day. As far as “birthdays” go, I had a really nice day. My mom was in town, so she treated me to some Chinese food while CJ (who hates Chinese food) was out of town for the afternoon. We ate some birthday cake while we watched the OU game. And my phone going off reminded me constantly how loved I am ā¤.

This year was unusual in the fact that we were preparing for Hurricane Dorian to potentially impact our area. In the days before my birthday, everyone was absolutely certain that it would be a Category 3 when it hit our town, and as a result, there was virtually no gas or water available. The stores were pretty nuts and everyone was scrambling to get their preparations in order. My mom even contemplated moving her trip due to the weather, but thankfully she didn’t and the storm changed its course.

30. The 90s really were only 10 years ago, right?

Young At Heart

I never imagined a tragic accident or anything (no one does, I’m sure), but 30 is just SO much older than I ever thought I would be. It’s definitely older than I feel. I think my mental age stopped somewhere in my late teens. Sometimes I look around and wonder “how in the world am I a married mother of two?!” I’m sure in a few years I’ll look back and think how how silly this whole “Turning 30” business sounds.

I visited with some neighbors recently who are in their “golden years.” Even they said that they don’t feel like they should be as “old” as they are. So I guess at least I know I’m normal. Time is so strange and seems to catch everyone by surprise, even though it shows no partiality.

stuck in the middle

30 And…

Truthfully, I love this stage of life even though I don’t “feel” like I belong in it. There are so many great things about being 30!


I have a certain amount of self-confidence that I don’t remember ever having before. Maybe it’s because I do have tiny humans to care for and I’ve been around the block enough to not worry about what other people are thinking. It is so freeing!

Now don’t get me wrong, I still have my insecurities, but they’re seeming to be fewer and farther in between. Avery wants to dance down the aisle at Lowe’s? I’m in! This shirt shows my mommy body a little more? Well, I have given birth twice, I’ve earned that. I don’t know anyone here? Eh that’s ok…Hi, I’m Kelcey!

30, definitely not 20.

I’m not afraid to put myself in new situations, try new things, or make myself look goofy in the process. I know who I am, what I want, and am completely in love with my little family.


I don’t talk about it much publicly because I know it’s a trigger for some, but I have the privilege of being a stay-at-home mom. A “privilege” is exactly how I see it because for several years, I didn’t think I would get this opportunity.

Now that I’ve settled into my new role, the girls and I are able to do a lot of things that we weren’t able to do while I was working. One of those things is going back to the gym. I’m one of those weirdos who LOVE going to the gym and coming out looking like a hot mess. A good sweat a day keeps mama’s crazy at bay šŸ¤Ŗ.

I have to give credit to Riley though…nursing has really slimmed me down. But, I can tell that my workouts have made me stronger and am starting to build back some endurance. Now if we could just kick my candy habit šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø.

Feeling like a (Retired) Rockstar

Evidently talking about turning 30 requires a lot of emojis…sorry not sorry…you all know by now that I’m just an overly emotional ball of feelings. šŸ˜‚

Growing Spiritually

This one really puts a pep in my step. Part of the reason for my growth is that I do get to be home the girls, so we’re able to spend time going to Ladies Bible Class and other events with like-minded people that I wasn’t able to attend in times past. Part of the reason is that CJ is now in ministry full-time, and that naturally encourages growth and participation in ways that we weren’t doing before. But mostly, I think it’s because I chose to grow.

Leading By Example

Growth doesn’t happen by accident or without effort…it takes continuous constant effort to train and better yourself. The girls (it all seems to go back to the tiny humans these days šŸ˜) are looking to me (and CJ) as their mother for guidance. More than anything, I want them to grow up to be strong, confident Christian ladies. But Christianity is taught, not caught, so if that is truly what I want for them, I have to show them the way. I can’t guide them down the path if I’m only starting down it myself.

That part of the awesome responsibility of parenting can be very intimidating, so I like to find small victories to show myself that I’ve made progress. Maybe I’m able to stop my tongue more easily before I say something unkind. Maybe I can recall more Scripture relevant to specific thoughts or situations. Maybe I see the growth in Avery, and know that my efforts have not been in vain.

This isn’t me tooting my own horn, because you know that if I was seeking attention for that, my growth would be superficial and in vain. What I am trying to do is to encourage other people to do the same, because it is SO spiritually fulfilling and rewarding.

Even if I was not a Christian, I would still want my children to learn things like integrity, manners, and kindheartedness. Those are things that all involved parents want for their children. Everything that we want to see in our children, we must first see in ourselves.

30 is Prime Time

I’ve always looked younger than I am, besides the fact that I’m nearly 6′ tall. I know, I know, I’ll be grateful for that one day. But when someone rings the doorbell and asks if my “mommy or daddy are home” (yes, that really happened this year) it can be hard to feel like an adult.

30 and early to bed

I read somewhere that by the age of 30, I should be using an eye cream? Haha I don’t know if that’s true or not, but if so, I’m behind the trend and need help šŸ™ˆ. I’ve also heard that wrinkles may start to appear…I have no doubt I will have “laugh lines” all over my face. But, I’m not convinced that that’s a bad thing.

Turning 30
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