mom and daughters

To The Mom Struggling With Anxiety

If you’re a mom struggling with anxiety, I want you to know you’re not alone.

I struggle with anxiety.

Most days, I feel invincible. Like I can do anything. Like I will never feel fragile again.

And then, there are days like today.

Days where I feel weak. Like I am frantically running on a treadmill. Like I am emotionally made of glass.

Then, there’s them.

On days like today, they don’t understand why mommy has tears in her eyes. Why mommy “needs a minute.” Why mommy doesn’t seem like herself.

I feel guilty that my perfectly precious family suffers with me. And none of this is their fault.

But do you know what they do?

They offer up constant “tight hugs.” They bring their blankets for comfort. They ask to help make lunch.

I cry a different kind of tears.

And then I realize, the worst in me brings out the very best in them.

Mother and newborn. Mom struggling with anxiety.

Anxiety Is Not A Choice

Anxiety isn’t something that we choose. It isn’t something we ever wanted for ourselves or our loved ones, but it’s here and it’s real.

Some days, feelings of overwhelm, worry, and panic threaten to strike at any moment. Other days, we feel like the unstoppable forces of motherhood that we are.

I can feel when my mental state is on the brink of a “dark day.” The real trick is finding a way to bring yourself back, and that is the hardest part!

For me, having a few moments to myself to breathe and cry if I need to can help. Sometimes, I like to take a few deep breaths of air outdoors. As a Christian, I want my first impulse to be to pray to God, who loves me and understands my struggles. But I am definitely still working on building that habit.

Maybe medication is the right choice for you. Or counselling and therapy.

You’re Not Alone

Mama, you aren’t alone in your struggle with anxiety and it’s nothing that you are doing “wrong.”

I love this article from Chantelle of His Life, Her Way. Listen to what she says about her own struggle with anxiety…

“I found, despite my determination, that I couldn’t fix myself. I was praying, studying, and involved in church. I was taking care of my physical health with exercise and good food. I was reaching out and being social, and I was being very busy with my new business. It was driving me crazy. All the boxes are ticked and there’s still something wrong!

Despite everything, the anxiety was still there. And it always, always is.

And there is nothing, nothing wrong with seeking whatever professional and medical help it is you need to find relief from your pain, whether it be mental or physical.

I believe I had to go through all this to realize this: having anxiety doesn’t mean you’re broken. It doesn’t mean that you aren’t trusting in God. It doesn’t mean you’re doing something wrong. It means that you live in a broken world—and, because of that, you’re going to have to deal with some of the consequences of its brokenness.”

I love reading Chantelle’s posts – she is always so real and open about her own personal struggles.

No matter how you manage your anxiety, there is no shame in it and is often something that cannot be helped.

Peace doesn’t mean the absence of pain.

Peace doesn’t mean the absence of a storm.

Peace is being able to be in the middle of the storm and still keep your eyes firmly fixed on Jesus.

Chantelle of Her Life His Way

Bible Verses for Days of Anxiety

Mom, The next time you find yourself struggling with anxiety, remind yourself of these verses and take comfort in their words.

The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble.
Those who know your name trust in you, for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you.

Psalm 9:9-10

But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles;
they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.

Isaiah 40:31

No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation,
will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Romans 8:38-39

bible verses for anxiety

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